Todd Bader's Current Social Media Statistical Overview - March 2018

Blogger Pageviews
Todd had been so enthralled by the spike of followers from his Social Media Platform. Page views all time history 406 from 304, with an increase of over 100 additional page views in just two weeks! His blog site has a little increased to 9 follower from 7, despite of number of messages were sent to his classmate of 32 to remind them to follow his blog as required by SMM Class requirements, only 9 has faithfully responded and followed his blog. With 2 additional followers, he also discovered both followers and non-followers were coming from 10 different countries. 

Blogger PAge Views by Browsers
People who were checking Todd's blogger were using mostly Chrome and Firebox Browser, at 35% each respectively; while the remaining users were using Safari 12%, Mobile 10%, Internet Explorer 2%, CriOS 2%, Big Preview 1% and OS:FBSV 1%

In addition to operating system users; 45% of users use Window operating system while others use Apple IOS) users accounts 43% (Including Macintosh 27%, iPhone 14% and iPad2%). With the remainder of Linux at 7%, Compatible, Android and Unix at 1% each.

"Three Lesson Learned from Case Study: is still the leading and most popular topic of the blog which now garnered 75 page views and eight comments were provided. The Second-best blog is Blogger Statistical Overview with 32 page vies and no comments.

Facebook Statistics
Currently, Todd has 23 friends, mostly from Social Media Class and he have posted 9 times including this post. Todd utilized over 3 Group discussions including 2 private and one public. 

Twitter Statistics
Until now, Todd has Tweeted 9 times with 22 are following among with 30 followers. In a nut shell, Todd generated 5 additional Tweets increased 66.7% along with Tweet impression of 162, an increase of 47.3%. Two of the downfalls are only 36 people visited his profile, with decreased of 50.6% and lost one followers with decreased of 1%.
LinkedIn Statistics 
Todd have 250 followers on LinkedIn. He follows 3 influencers including Bill Gates, Richard Branson and Jeff Weiner. In addition, Todd also follows over 40 different groups with various topics including Alumni, Schools, Professional Development, Professional Networking, Competitor Intelligence, Vendors/Suppliers, Community Networking, Career/Job Opportunities and other form of professional, skills and networking developments. 

Overall, I did pretty well with stability of growing slowly and surely. I also noticed that I am getting more people who reviewed my pages who are not followers. These people comes from the various groups that I joined and in return, these groups will also learn more about my brand during the discussion.

There are few steps that I will have to make some changes to increase more followers by improving Attention, Interest, Desire and Action known as AIDA. I will also need to make more social media presence  and engagement with various social media platforms to be more consistence and be more responsive as well as adding some interested relevance articles that support my brand.

Come back again for more updated news. Thank You or checking out Todd Bader's Blog


  1. Hello Todd,
    Thank you very much to share your stats. They are pretty good !
    I think your increase of 66.7% is impressive, you should keep going on Twitter.

  2. Hi Todd!

    Your stats look very good! It's always a trusted sign of steady growth when your counts rise slowly and surely.

    Having joined, and participated in, new groups attracts many new followers to your blog; since the fact that it is still in its early stages means there are a lot of fans out there, waiting to discover it!


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